English Country Redux
Modern Country Manor
Dramatic Formal Composition — Diverse Interior Character
Inspired by the work of our best residential architects of the past, this house is a modern reimagining of the english country house. The design uses traditional materials and archetypal forms to create a unique and enigmatic architectural statement.
Working off the premise that each function of the house be formally distinct yet spatially connected, the architecture becomes a dramatic composition focused on the enrichment of its residents. The living room straddles a high vaulted area and a spatially divergent glass pavilion. This connects to the tall cottage-like volume of the kitchen, from which a conservatory inspired dining room connects with nature while seating eight. Opposite the living room is the den, a sequestered area strongly connected to the hearth and intended for more contemplative activities. Upstairs, secondary-use areas such as the library and media room are axially connected to the two children’s suites. The upstairs library transects the main living room volume, creating an assertive spatial expression and connecting the common areas between floors. The bedrooms are located in a separate, more private wing. This distinct zoning between common and private areas conveys a deeper consciousness between daytime and nighttime functions, while the wide-ranging variety of architectural space imparts diverse experiences throughout the house.